Property Evaluator

I have been following apartments for few years as I have had intent to buy one. Finnish services to follow apartment listings are lacking in UX – making following and comparing properties hard and cumbersome.

The whole thing started from reimagining key functionality / UX of to make experience feel more fresh and easier to use

First concept image highliting key functionality – simple filtering and visual view with square prices

I wanted to create an application that will help me better browse the available properties and their prices on map in visual manner to make my daily browsing easier.

After creating this first screen it came pretty obvious that without the real data set designing it further will be waste of time so next step was then getting the actual apartment data from Oikotie. As they dont have any open API’s I created a crawler with python that performs the operation on both listing and invidual pages to get full dataset each day.

After getting the data I started implementing UX concept through coding Svelte application and developing APIs with Flask on top of SQLite database to transform data to fulfill frontends needs

After implementing apartments listing I wanted also create capability to make understanding prices of different areas for different types of apartments easier.

Additional view that uses apartment data transformed through geocoding to postcode numbers